Spider Pest Control – Springfield MO

Spider pest control can be a challenge, but with winter’s colder temperatures upon us, it’s the time when they become most problematic. They are looking for a winter home and you need to take preventative steps now.

brown recluse spider pest control expert pest solutionsThere are dozens of species of spiders indigenous to our area of the Midwest – black widows, brown recluse, wolf spiders, jumping spiders, web building spiders, sac spiders, crab spiders – and the list goes on. Everyone is familiar with spiders and most people not only dislike them, they fear them. Some are harmless, but others are not – a bite from a venomous spider can be painful and have serious side-effects, as in the case of the infamous brown recluse spider. However, it’s a very small number of spiders that are really harmful. Most species have important ecological benefits to the environment, and even all spiders contribute something – they feed on insects and help reduce those populations around the house and yard. But who wants them – any of them – in the house?

Spider pest control can best be achieved with a multiple-step approach for prevention, exclusion, and population reduction. Since the type of spider will determine the type of spider pest control actions, start by identifying the spider involved. Properties located in areas favorable to spiders, such as by rivers, lakes, or fields, are more likely to have large numbers of spiders. Spiders also will be more numerous in areas with a large supply of insects that serve as a food source for spiders.

Every home is unique but the use of several integrated techniques has been successful in effective spider pest control. Regular housecleaning is important for indoor spider pest control. A large spider population indicates the presence of a significant insect population that serves as their food. If food is left lying out it attracts insects. Keep clutter to a minimum – removing papers, bags, boxes and things brought in from outside eliminates potential hiding spots. Outdoors you can find access points and eliminate them – seal cracks or gaps around the foundation, door and windows. You can also remove webs and egg sacs that you find under the eaves and in other locations around the outside.

While many people will tout the effectiveness of ‘natural treatments’, such as placing hedge apples, essential oils, diatomaceious earth and other products around the home, they don’t work. Save your effort and money, and hire a professional exterminator for the spider pest control at your home.

For your Free Inspection call Expert Pest Control Solutions (417) 413-4776 or visit us online. An associate will call to provide your Free Estimate as soon as possible.